
Bistar | Launched in July 2020* | Home Furnishing

Addressing Backaches During Sleep

Fastest Growing Mattress Brand In Hyderabad


Brand gained traction and in the sixth place in local market.


Averaging 1.5% growth every quarter since its launch .

1.2 Cr

Sold goods worth around 1.2 crores in the last 6 months.

The Origin Story

The owner of the bistar founded this specially designed mattress specially to address backaches – that even the markets are loving and needing badly due to improper lifestyle with stress and overwhelm in life due to work and other tensions. Bie Hub created the entire strategy to  position rightly in the market with right communication through clear product presentation, marketing collaterals and investing on a hefty marketing push. The result? The brand gained traction and become a runway brand in just about 6 months time. 

The Challenge

The Challenge

This commercial-grade product was a smashing success, but the brand needed to become consumer-ready. The only logical move was a variety of product line of the entire bistar line to retail almost like a custom-made size options overall.

Inventory Investment

Here we kept the momentum going on

We clearly understood that Asset-Light model can help more but many thinking now on the same lines, we focused on inventory investment and leveraged the market data and learnings from COVID-19 that supply chain management would be mission critical forecasting into the next buzz word third wave. We no longer want to constrain by on-hand inventory focus driven sales, The sales funnel mapped to inventory pipeline and adventured into inventory investment and marketing investment to push the communication hard to sustain and increase sales no matter what, we never want run out of stocks.

Key Strategies:

  • Backed with additional manufacturer
  • Increased inventory to two folds
  • Decreased lead time by 70%
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Multiple Styles

We increased product verities to 9 styles to fit into a niche market with subcategory which made it easier for consumers to quickly take purchase decision.

Our Intention? Customers should save time and quickly get rid of health issue without further delaying purchase roaming to dozens of retail stores and browsing internet for right options. This what leading us to be #1.

Expanded Product Options

We launched additional product lines to the hero styles offering seven different thicknesses and  four hot selling sizes those are nearly market standards with different price points within the established list to drive sales smoothly increasing the bottom line profit.

bistar mattress biehub harshzad 2

Creative Disruption

Identical, still different from competition.

Our Bistar core branding  includes professional  photography, upgraded in-house packaging and a strategic communication proving Bistar as the highest quality choice. We have blown past the competition ever since it’s launch.


*Our case studies are for general information purposes only; they are not guarantees of future performance and undue reliance should not be placed on them. Each study is based on a particular set of facts and conditions at a point in time and may involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties. The performance, financial results, and projections for the products or sellers in these case studies may not be parallel in others.

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